New Directions

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Rebirth, or new beginnings, are always available. We can start fresh at any given moment—it’s simply a matter of changing our course. A hard right, a quick left, or maybe even a U-turn. What’s even cooler is that each person’s GPS (or Thomas Guide if you’re old school) looks a little different—our internal compass is personalized and individually calibrated.

Continue reading “New Directions”

Committed! Recovery at a Mental Health Hospital!

I didn’t feel as if I had anything left to live for. My mental anguish made daily living unbearable. Bipolar Disorder 1 with psychosis, Borderline Personality Disorder among other Personality Disorders (there are many, not just one), Severe Anxiety so bad that I was terrified of people, new places and even getting up in the morning, along with Panic Attacks that would stop me dead … Continue reading Committed! Recovery at a Mental Health Hospital!